The Post has reached out to Burlington’s corporate offices for comment. You don't need help 'catching' this thief, he is a 'known' criminal with 400 previous offences, I'm surprised you either haven't contacted IMVU about it or they haven't banned him already. “No arrests have been made at this point, however, this is an active investigation,” police said. Instagram / 916 Times Retail theft in America has increased 90% since 2018. The police are investigating but there have been no arrests yet. The Sacramento Police Department said a police report had been filed.
The quick-thinking cameraman made sure to get a close-up of the car’s license plate and even asked one of the women her name before she slammed the trunk shut and pulled away, gunning the engine. The video, which was shared on Instagram by shows that the women had also parked in a handicapped parking spot without a placard during the heist. The women wheeled out three shopping carts of merchandise. IMVU is a 3D Avatar Social App that allows users to explore thousands of Virtual Worlds or. Three women were caught on camera shoplifting from a Burlington store in California. IMVU is a 3D Avatar Social App that allows users to explore thousands of Virtual Worlds or Metaverse, create 3D Avatars, enjoy 3D Chats, meet people from all over the world in virtual settings, and spread the power of friendship. It will make a big transparent background image with the current Profile Look you have (you can change it by going into Next Inventory, clicking on the three yellow dots on the bottom right, then choosing the option: Set as Profile Look). What the f–k is this?” he says, walking toward them. Create a high resolution image of the outfit your avatar is wearing quickly by using this tool.

“Damn, look at these people stealing! Say hi to the camera!” the man filming can be heard teasing the women in the video as they hurl mounds of clothes and shoes into the trunk of the car. Video of the brazen incident emerged online showing the plus-size suspects making a break for it in the parking lot of the shopping center on North Freeway Drive and loading the goods into a red Dodge Charger as alarms blared in the background. Sacramento police confirmed with The Post on Tuesday that they’re actively investigating the alleged theft that took place Saturday at a local store. Three women suspected of shoplifting from a California Burlington store were caught on camera slowly wheeling out three shopping carts of merchandise in a broad-daylight spectacle over the weekend. Massachusetts men caught red-handed trying to steal Bank of America ATMĭA Pamela Price and ultra-woke Oakland leaders blasted by NAACP over rise in violence, crime Woman beaten with weighted sock, robbed for $25 in NYC elevator by man holding UPS package Alleged thief in viral 7-Eleven beatdown video stole 2 other times, workers probed for assault: cops